We FEATURE products from our neighbors!

At Rocco’s Town House and Rock Bottom Whiskey Bar we pride ourselves in using, where we can, locally New Jersey grown ingredients and products.  Our seasonal menu selections will include Hammonton and Southern New Jersey produce and fruits.  Being located in the “Blueberry Capital”, we utilize many blueberries in our dishes and drinks!  We are fortunate to have the ability to go from farm to table often.
The local breweries like Three 3’s Brewing Company, Tomfoolery Brewery and Vinyl Brewing adorn our taps.  We always have at least 15 New Jersey drafts on tap!

In addition to the locally grown produce and breweries, we proudly feature our local wineries which are located in the Outer Coastal Plain appellation.

NJ wines are fast becoming a must have for wine connoisseurs.

When you visit us try a glass or a bottle from:

"Tuesday Uncorked" - $2 off all New Jersey Wines on Tuesdays!
"Thursday on Tap" - $2 off all New Jersey Drafts on Thursdays!

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